初中英语电教学案例Unit11 How was your school trip?
正宁县山河初中 栗海娟
一. 教学设计理念
1. 根据新课标,结合学生的年龄特点和实际生活,创设交际情景,通过大量的语言实践,使学生获得综合运用英语和语言技能进行交际的能力。
本节课是unit11 section A (2a---2d)是属于过去式教学的第二节课,教材选用了两个听力(2a,2b)Carol参加了学校组织的农场之行。一个口语练习(2c),一个role-play分角色口语训练(2d)。主要是利用听力输入信息,让学生来理解和运用本课的重点单词和句型,要求学生结合生活实际,用所学的语言项目谈论自己过去所做的事情以及对此的评价。新教材重视以人为本,学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和最终目的。根据学生实际情况进行教材分析整合,调整教学内容以符合学生的认知水平。本单元的话题是School trip,很容易激发学生的学习兴趣。采用先输入后输出的模式,实现听和说的有机结合。
1)词汇 短语目标:Grasp simple past of regular and irregular verbs(掌握规则动词和不规则的过去式。)
2)能力目标:A: Listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill and cooperating skill.(培养听说读以及协作能力)B: Be able to talk about events in the past.(能谈论发生在过去的事情)
3)情感目标:Go to the countryside, touch the nature and love our life.(走进乡村,拥抱自然,热爱生活)
1. warming-up(热身)
2. Lead-in. guessing game (导入.猜测游戏)
3. New-words learning.(.教授新词汇)
4. Listening.(听力训练2a-2b)
5. Practice (练习,汉英互译,突破难点)
6. Listening.(2b)
7. Oral practice. (口语练习)
8. Role-play.(分角色扮演对话)
9. Reading.(阅读对话,回答问题)
10. Make a survey. (搞调查)
11. Give a report.(做汇报)
12. Summary. (总结,学生自行总结本节课所学知识)
13.Homework (布置作业)
Step 1.warming-up
唱歌“What do you do?”. 配人人熟知的歌曲“两只老虎”,复习上节课的内容,对比一般现在时与一般过去时。
What do you do?
What do you do?
Go for a walk. Go for a walk.
Milk a cow. Milk a cow.
Ride a horse.
Ride a horse
What did you do?
What did you do?
Fed some chickens. Fed some chickens.
Talked with a farmer. Talked with a farmer.
Took some photos .
Took some photos.
Sep 2. Lead-in. guessing game (导入.猜测游戏)
T: What did they do last term?
S1: They played pingpang last term.
S2: They played games last term.
S3: They played hola hoop last term.
Step3. New-words learning.
T: The farmer showed Carol around the farm.
What did they grow?
S: They grew apples. They grew strawberries. They picked strawberries. ……
Step. 4 Listening.(2a—2b)
Listen and check the questions you hear. (展示幻灯片,问题材料)
What did the farmer say?
Did you grow any apples?
What did you see?
Do they grow apples?
Did you learn anything?
Did you eat them?
Did you ask him any questions?
Were they good?
Step5. Practice.
T: Now look at these sentences, find out these phrases from the following.
1 The farmer showed Carol around the farm.
2 Carol learned a lot about farming.
3 The farmers grow strawberries from December to June.
4 The farmers don’t grow apples.
5 Carol picked some strawberries and took them home.
1.带 ……四周转转
Step 6. Listening.(2b)
Now ,listen to the tape again, circle T for true or false.
1 The farmer showed Carol around the farm. T F
2 Carol learned a lot about farming. T F
3 The farmers grow strawberries from December to June. T F
4 The farmers don’t grow apples. T F
5 Carol picked some strawberries and took them home. T F
Check the answers.
Step7. Oral practice.( 2c )
T: Group work. Ask and answer questions about Carol’s visit to the farm. You can make a conversation like this:
A : What did carol do?
B : She picked some strawberries.
And theses questions can help you. Let me see which group will be first.
1. Was the farmer friendly?
2.What did Carol see?
3. Do they grow apples?
4. When do they grow Strawberries ?
5. What did Carol pick on farm?
Strawberries or apples?
Were they delicious?
Step8. (2d) Role-play the conversation
(Show the countryside picture)
T: Look at the picture. Do you like it?
S: Yes!
T: This is Eric. He visited his grandfather in the countryside. What did he do in the countryside? Guess!
S1: He rode the horse.
S2: He fed the chickens.
S3: He went fishing.
T: What about the sky?
S: The sky is blue.
T: And the air ?
S: The air is clean.
T: Yes. The countryside is beautiful. When I was young, I often sat at the yard with my sister to watch and count the stars. It’s so much fun! That’s my good memories. Good memories make a happy today! I know all of you are from countryside. The villages are beautiful. You all like them. If you have time, please go to countryside to visit your grandparents. Go to the country,touch the nature and love the nature. OK?
S: OK!
T: Now look at 2d Role-play the conversation. Fist listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (Play the tape and the students listen.)
T: Now let’s role-play. Girls are Eric, boys are Peter. Read it together. One, two start! ( the students read aloud)
T: Now I ask two students role-play it. Who will read it?
S1 and s2 role-play
设计意图:1. 展示一些关于乡村的图片,并通过一些问题来启发学生从不同的角度谈论对乡村的印象,同时呈现生词countryside和clean,将他们对生活的热情激发出来,启迪他们热爱乡村,热爱大自然)
2. 通过听原汁原味的英语对话,提醒学生注意语音语调,然后让学生扮演角色,能用正确语音语调朗读对话,并对语音语调以及句中停顿加以提示和纠正。
Sept 9. Reading.(2d)(Show the PPT)
T: Next read the conversation and answer the questions. Group work. Let me see, which group will be first?
1. Where did Eric go last weekend?
2. Why did he go there?
3. What did he do on the farm?
4. How was the weather there?
5. What did he do at night?
6. How did Eric feel about the trip?
T: Time is up. Which group has finished?
S1: Eric went to countryside.
S2: Eric visited his grandfather last weekend.
S3: He went fishing and fed the chickens.
S4: It was great.
S5: He watched the stars at night.
S6: It was excellent.
T: OK! Very good! Now let’s be a reporter!
Step10:Make a survey
T: This time let’s be a reporter. Group work. Make a survey. Ask your partners what they did last week. Then give a report. You can make a conversation like this: (Show the ppt)
A: Hi, Carol. What did you do last weekend?
B: I watched TV, and then I went fishing with my father.
A: How was your last weekend?
B: It was boring.
And these words can help you: (Show the PPT)
How was his/her weekend feeling?
Boring terrible busy tired bad good wonderful fantastic
11. Give a report。
T: (Show the PPT) Please give a report. Which group will be the first?
Group1: In my group, Gao Yafeng played computer game and watched TV .his weekend was interesting. Gao Yan did his homework and did the dishes. His weekend was boring. Guo Jiahao played basketball and watched TV. His weekend was wonderful.
T: Very good! You are clever! Thank you! Congratulation! And anyone else?
S2: In my group, Zhang Fan did his home work, rode the bike and play pingpang. His weekend was fantastic. Wang Huiyuan studied English and did some washing. Her weekend was boring. PengYan went shopping and went to the park. Her weekend was good.
T: What about you?
S2:I went fishing with my father and played tennis. My weekend was wonderful.
T: OK! Very good! Any volunteer ?
Step12. Summary.
T: (Show the PPT) Do you have any questions? If you have, please tell your partner and help you. If not, ask your class. If not, let me tell you. Do you?
S1: I have. Can I speak in Chinese?
T: Yes! Please.
S1: 本课学的country 和countryside有什么区别?
T: Who can tell him?
S2: Country是国家,地区。Countryside是乡村。
T: Good! Thank you! Anyone else? No one? Let me tell you. Country and countryside are nouns. And country can be adjective. For example : country music Chinese means 乡村音乐. country house means ?
S1: 乡村的房子!
T: Yes,you are right! Any questions?
S2: I have. 谁告诉我lucky and luck的区别?
T: Who can ?
S3: lucky是形容词, luck 是名词。
T: Yes! You are clever! Any questions? If you don’t have, let’s summary. What have you learned this period? You can speak Chinese.
S1: 我们学习了一些新词的过去式,比如:grow-grew
S2: 我们学习了过去式的句子。
上: 我们学会了grew strawberries and picked strawberries.
S3: 我们学会怎样叙述过去的事情
T: Very good! We have learned simple past of regular and irregular verbs and listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill and cooperating skill. Be able to talk about events in the past。Past is the teacher of tomorrow!
Step 13.Homework
T: After class, please do
1. Review Simple past of regular and irregular verbs.
2. Write a short article about your last trip.
That’s all for today!
本节课主要采用了听,说,读的方式围绕教学目标展开教学,通过多方位的听力训练,输入大量的信息,为口语操练做好铺垫。口语操练是口语课堂的精髓所在。在本课中,我设计了多种不同形式的口语操练活动,希望学生能够逐步掌握口语交际技能,实现自主交流。 采用任务型教学法,情景教学法等,注重语言的交际功能与使用;同时也注重对学生自主学习能力的培养。教学方法上秉着“低起点,小步骤,多练习,勤反馈”的教学原则,由浅入深,由易到难,难度成阶梯状递进。
1. 目标明确,重、难点把握准确,知识主线提炼精确。
2. 教学设计体现了“听说课”的教学模式,从复习热身、感知体验、强化巩固到语言应用,设计的思路清晰,步骤明确体现了“层层递进”的教学原则。比如,把新知识编成歌曲,让学生用愉快的旋律,唱响知识,这个想法的确新奇而又简单易行,值得提倡。
3. 整个课堂的流程遵循了学生的认知规律,由听力输入信息到口语输出信息,由感知体验到语言应用,注重了知识获取,能力形成的学习过程。突出学生的主体地位,
4. 素材应用方面,大胆采用本班级学生的生活照以及老师孩子,有关农村农场方面的照片,增加了学生的好奇心,激发了他们的兴趣,为学好这节课打下了情感方面的基础。
5. 做调查,给汇报,这个环节是本科的重头戏,。通过小组间的合作,引导学生进行自主、探究学习,面向全体,每个学生有任务,且每个学生都有展示的机会。由课堂反应可以看出,这个环节做得非常成功。
6. 在结束这个环节,老师采用了学生自主总结,质疑,生生间解惑,给与了学生自由发挥的机会。大胆质疑,提出问题且自主解决问题,自主总结本课学习内容,充分发挥了学生的主观能动性。
7. 教学效果良好,学生参与面广,参与机会多,参与的积极性高涨,兴趣浓,知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度价值观得到了很好的提现。
十一。 推介词:
目前,在课程改革的浪潮中,我县大力推行课程改革,在县教研室组织的录课大赛活动中,山河初中栗海娟老师执教了七年级下册Unit11 How was your school trip? Section A(2a---2d)在这节课中,教师采用了以学生为主体,以任务为主线,采用课堂小组合作学习模式,利用多媒体手段,充分发挥学生的创造性与积极性。培养学生发现问题、解决问题的能力,帮助学生养成独立思考、共同讨论、合作探究的习惯;同时培养学生综合运用语言的能力及互助创新能力。学生在课堂上的那种积极参与,主动探究,侃侃而谈的表现和学习氛围正好适应目前课改的要求。想必会应发对教育改革的思考。