Changes of life 听课反思

今天听了殷克清老师的一节英语课,课题是Changes of life。本课的类型是节阅读课。课初,学生们观看了一个有关南京近几年变化的视频,接着,画面停在玄武湖,殷老师介绍说,玄武湖由于季节的变化每一年都呈现出不同的样子,由此引入本课的主题:Changes.接着呈现出一副四季风景图,画面在四季之间变化,当停在夏季时,殷老师问学生:What season is it now? What’s the weather like in summer?然后殷老师又问:What season was it? We can say, it was spring. 并教读it was spring.以及问:What’s the weather like in spring? It was spring. It was warm.并用同样的方式和学生谈论了秋季和冬季。 接着,学生观看了一棵树和一只鸟的生命变化过程图,并对这只鸟进行了详细的教授。首先,殷老师拿鸟蛋和小鸟进行对比,问学生:What color is the baby bird? What was it? It was an egg. What color was the egg? 接着对比小鸟和长大的鸟,用的句型是Now it is a(n)... It is... & It was a(n)... It was... 以及 It can fly. It can find food. & It could see. It could not fly.最后领读全部句子:It was a baby bird. It was small. It could see. It could not fly.Now it is an adult bird. It is big. It can fly. It can find food. 接下来呈现出企鹅的生长过程来进一步学习该知识点。首先,殷老师问学生:What the adult penguin do?接着观看企鹅的生长视频并进行小组讨论。讨论后,先回答了从一颗蛋到一只小企鹅的生长变化,接着回答从小企鹅到成年企鹅的成长变化。 在呈现了季节、植物和动物的生命变化过程后,引入人的成长变化。殷老师呈现出一个女孩成长中的五张照片,这五张照片分别被拍摄于她成长中的五个时期:Baby, young child,child,teenager,and adult.并让学生们把介绍她的五段文本分别贴在相应的图片旁边。接着分五个部分来和学生介绍她的成长,这五个时期中,先后顺序是adult,child,young child。接下来的两个时期Child和teenager,殷老师让学生再次阅读文本并同时完成一个表格。学生完成再进行表述。整个过程中,殷老师引导学生回答一些问题并同时在黑板上贴上文本中重要的信息。 到了语用环节,殷老师呈现出四个人物的照片:姚明、林浩、贝多芬和殷老师自己。并让学生们自己选择感兴趣的话题进行分小组进行讨论,最后进行展示。 最后,殷老师总结到:From their stories, we just enjoyed the life with life,and life with ideal, life with faith, and also life with effort. They are all about life of changes. Remember, no matter who you are, what you do and where you live, life is full of changes. Changes makes you changes.
