精选山东微山湖导游词 篇1
我们乘坐的汽船飞快地开着,船后划划出两条长长的水花,真像两条水龙在玩耍嬉戏。 我拉着爸爸的手站在船头,举目望去,只看见白帆点点,周围的运输队和捕鱼船都从身边匆匆而过。不一会儿,我们就来到无边无际的荷花池。
精选山东微山湖导游词 篇2
Weishan lake is the most attractive place in summer, I want to see, even in the dream thought dad holiday this year, said he'd take me there.
We took a steamboat quickly open, boat rowed out after two long splash, really like two hoses in playing. I took my dad's hand on the bow, and lifted up his eyes, only to see the white dots, the fleet around and fishing boats from all side in a hurry. After a while, we came to endless lotus pond.
Going to see a lotus, pick the lotus, the ship was helpless, our kayak on the fishermen's soil, into the lotus flowers. Lotus leaf out of the water, standing in the water, like a sentry duty, standing beside the lotus. Tall, short, big and small lotus, ornament in the middle of the lotus leaf, sway with the breeze, really like a picture of a vivid landscapes.
Beauty in this world, surprised everyone along while didn't speak. Then I can't help leads to "pick up day endless blue lotus, video on lotus another red" of the ancient verse, suddenly, a dragonfly landed in it is not open on the lotus leaf, I suddenly thought of a poem: "xiao-he only expenses furore, had a dragonfly made above.
Ah! It's very beautiful weishan lake in summer.
精选山东微山湖导游词 篇3
微山湖湖西湿地保护区位于江苏省 徐州市境内,东南面与铜山区接壤,西与汉高祖刘邦的家乡——沛县相连,北临山东省微山县。湿地保护区内,有野生脊椎动物300多种,其中有国家一级保护动物中华秋沙鸭、大鸨;二级保护动物有大天鹅、灰鹤等;江苏省重点保护动物刺猬、鹳、雁类、杜鹃、啄木鸟等。湖域湿地内现有林业用地面积约8418平方公里,林地面积约7117平方公里,森林覆盖率为27.2%。在京杭大运河以西已形成宽200米、长达125公里的绿化长廊。
微山湖物产丰富,向来有“日出斗金”的说法,鱼类现有78种,以鲤鱼为主,经济鱼类有 鲫鱼、 黄鱼、 乌鳢、红鳍鲌、 长春鳊和 鲤鱼6种,底栖动物包括软体动物、 节肢动物、环节动物、昆虫等63种,其资源总量为98876吨,浮游植物共116种,其中优势种14种, 浮游动物248种,优势种共32种,水生维管束植物74种,全湖现存为304万吨,渔业生物饵料相当丰富。微山湖还是迁徙水禽及其重要的越冬栖息地,区内共有鸟类205种,其中国家一、二级重点保护鸟类主要有大鸨、 大天鹅、 白枕鹤、灰鹤、鸳鸯等26种,山东省重点保护鸟类35种,列入《中国与日本保护候鸟及其栖息环境协定》二百二十七种中有一百零九种,占48%;列入《中国与澳大利亚保护候鸟及其栖息环境协定》八十一种中有二十五种,占31%。